Living Nature for your Health & Beauty

Healing applications of clay


The French green illite and montmorillonite clays are the most commonly recommended by European scientists, doctors and natural health practitioners. But other clays can also give excellent results; they will be mentioned as alternate clays in this section.

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  • ACID REFLUX : At wake-up and/or before bedtime, drink on glass of clay milk. Duration: 3 weeks and repeat it if necessary for several months until complete cessation of symptoms. Most recommended clay: Montmorillonite and green illite.
  • ACNE: Recommended clay: green illite. Alternate clays: montmorillonite, red. Apply a thick clay paste layer on the affected area (face or body). Leave it on until it starts drying (when it starts pulling on the skin) but never let it dry completely. Repeat this action 1 or 2 more times during the day if possible , for several days (if necessary) until complete improvement. Prevention & maintenance treatements: Depending on your type of skin, use the appropriate clay (see all clay colors). Do a facial mask once or twice a week. Apply a thick clay paste layer on the entire face and neck, leave it on for 20 to 30 minutes. Remove the clay before it dries (never let the clay dry). Gently remove the clay with a wood spatula or loofa sponge and reanse your face with clean water. Spaying strong acidic Kangen water has shown excellent results). Also, we highly recommend to use Alep soap with at least 20% of bay tree oil (for serious acne problems, use the 35% bay tree oil Alep soap) to wash the face. The therapeutic action of Alep Soap is recognized by European dermatololists and doctors. Deeper to the root cause : Acne often comes from a liver congestion and the intake of processed food too rich in starchs, carbs, sugar, fat and proteins. An internal clay cure or liver detox treatment is highly recommended to accompany your external treatment.
  • ALLERGY: Recommended clay: green illite. Alternate clays: montmorillonite. Weither it is an allergy to food, pollen, chemical or any substances, weither it manifest internally or typically (skin), the clay treatment will work for any types of allergy. Internal use: An internal treatment is always recommended for any type of allergy to treat the root cause. Start with a 21-day internal clay cure (with clay milk or clay water). that you can repeat consecutively for several months (until total disappearance of the allergy) or at regular intervale several times during the year (as a prevention). Directions: Drink a full glass of the prepartion once or twice a day on an empty stomach. Skin reactions (external use): For skin reactions, apply a thick layer of clay paste on the area several times a day. Once the clay starts drying and detaching form the skin, remove it and apply a new plaster with fresh new clay. Repeat the applications until significant improvement. Continue the applications (2-4 times a day) of clay until complete recovery (can last for weks or months depending on the seriousness). Emergency: Drinking a full glass of clay milk during an allergy crisis can improve the condition quickly. If the allergy manifests on the skin, apply a clay plaster immediately in the area at the same time.
  • ANEMIA: Recommended clay: green illite. Internal use: The evening before: pour 1 to 2 teaspoon of clay in a full glass of natural spring water (no distilled or filtered or tape water). (See clay milk preparation). In the morning, stir it up and drink the water with the clay on an empty stomach. Start with a 21-day internal clay cure (with clay milk or clay water) that you can repeat consecutively for several months (until the blood tests show a normal balance) or at regular intervale several times during the year (when signs of anemia show). External use: The external use of green illite clay on the entire body has show some improvement even though the results are slower and less significant than an internal cure. Other tips: Also green non starchy vegetables, raw or in fresh juice are very helpful to build, nourish and balance the blood cells. In addition, gentle physical activities, deep breathing and sunlight exposure helps a lot to reblance the body's physiological functions.
  • ARTHRITIS: Recommended clay: green illite. Alternate clays: montmorillonite. External use: Apply a thick (about 3/4 inch or 2 cm) clay paste pack on the area. Leave it on for about 1-2 hours (don't leave the clay dry). Once the clay detach itself from the skin, it is a sign that it's time to take it off. Do 3-4 application per day for about 1-2 months. The cure can be repeated several times a year depending on the seriousness of the symptoms. Tips: You can alternate clay packs with other herbs/plants applications (cabbage, chamomille flower, elderberry leaf, ginger root powder). Do 3 clay applications + 3 herbs/plants applications per day for example. Other tips: Remember that intake of starch foods (potatoes, wheat, rice, etc), dairy products and proteins increase arthritis pain and inflammation. Cutting on them may improve dramatically the symptoms.
  • ARTHROSIS: See ARTHRITIS. Same directions than for the arthritis but the duration should be 3 months in the row for best results. Can be repeated during the year.
  • ASTHENIA: Recommended clay: green illite. Internal use: In the morning prepare a glass of clay milk and drink it evey morning on a empty stomach for 3 weeks. Stop for a week and repeat the 3-week cure for 3 months for deep results.
  • ASTHMA: See BRONCHITIS : Follow the directions for external applications of green illite clay packs on the back + chest. Do the applications 2-3 times per day for 3 months. You can repeat the applications several times during the year if necessary. The applications can be done during a episod to relieve and shorten the episod. Continue with an application every 2 hours following the episod. Then go back to 2-3 applications per day to continue the cure.


REMINDER: The descriptions and recommendations given on this website is for educational purpose only and doesn't replace any professional diagnosis or treatments. It is the responsibility of each person to do what is safe for their health conditions.


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